10 Reasons Why You Should Use a Designer to Create Your Website
Your website is an extremely important element of your business. It represents you, and it’s usually one of the first things people look at when they hear about you or are introduced to your business. If your website is slow, doesn’t look professional, lacks consistency, etc., that is reflective of you. While having so many resources to create your own website is a great thing, what businesses don’t realize is how much more of an impact their site will have if it’s designed and developed by a professional.
With that said, let’s break it down.
1. High-Quality Site:
Your site will look top-notch – branding, looks, and speed are just a few of the beneficial aspects to note. A designer can create a high-quality site that is eye catching and showcases your business in its most appealing light, giving the user a pleasant experience while presenting your services in a strong, call-to-action way. Your site is not going to look amateur or homemade - it will have a professional feel, and clients who see it will be more inclined to trust you and hire you.
2. Branding and Strategy:
Communicating your brand’s message is the most crucial element to your site. A designer can communicate your message in a way that is in line with your current business model, while also creating a strong foundation for your long-term goals and strategies. You want a site that is going to represent who you are and where you’re going, and a designer knows how to communicate that in a concise and compelling way. They’ll work with you to understand who you are and who you want to be and develop your site to reflect those aspects.
3. Mobile Friendly/Responsive:
With so many users using their phones, iPads, or laptops to look up websites, having a site that is compatible with multiple devices is non-negotiable if you want your business to thrive. A web designer knows how to optimize your site to ensure it runs smoothly on various devices so that you don’t miss out on potential clients and opportunities.
4. SEO Friendly:
These days, the closer you are to the top of a search engine page (Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc.) determines whether or not a potential client will actually click on your site. An expert in web design knows how to incorporate strong SEO practices to help push your site to the top of a web search. They’ll develop every aspect of your site with a Search Engine Friendly mentally in mind, strengthening your chances of ranking higher in a Google search.
5. Faster Site/Easier to Use:
Speed and ease of use matters a LOT. Users don’t want to wait around for website pages to load, and once they’re on the page, they want to be able to quickly and easily navigate it. The benefits of hiring an expert are that your site will receive all the plugins and integrated features necessary to create a quick, seamless experience for users, making them more inclined to invest time and interest in your site.
6. Dependable Design:
Creating your own website comes with a lot of challenges. You may encounter things you want to execute but don’t know how or you may have glitches, crashes, etc., that you have no idea how to fix. All of these things can cause unnecessary stress, loss of money from having to hire someone to fix them, or time lost from spending hours trying to figure it out yourself. Bringing in a designer at the very beginning removes all of that potential stress and sets up your site in a way that it’s protected from errors and crashes while continuing to operate at optimized levels.
7. Saves Time:
Building a website takes time, and it will take a LOT more time for someone who doesn’t know how to do it. Instead of investing time in creating your own website, use that time to invest in other aspects of your business, and leave the design work to an expert. They’ll be able to create a strong, appealing website much faster, giving you more flexibility to focus on your day-to-day operations.
8. It’s Unique:
With a countless number of websites out there, it’s easy to get lost in the mix. You want your site to be unique to you, and it will be if you hire the right designer. A designer can develop a site that is tailored to and specific to you and your needs, allowing you to stand out while evoking continuous brand recognition.
9. Stand Out from the Competition:
You want to differentiate yourself from your competitors. One of the best ways to do that is to bring on someone who specializes in making sure your site is more appealing than your competition. Your designer can analyze where the competition is getting it wrong and ensure that your site fills in those gaps while giving your viewers a great first impression that will create a lasting impact.
10. Makes You Trustworthy/An Expert:
Let’s face it, a poor quality website reflects badly on a business. A professionally designed site reflects who you are and highlights resources that are beneficial to your ideal clients, demonstrating that you are an expert who understands their needs. A designer will convey your business in a trustworthy light through images and text, giving your clients a sense of security in your products and services - this creates an overall sense of credibility. Even if you’re a small company, a professional site will make you look just as capable and knowledgeable as a large company. And on the flip side, it can make a large company look just as personable and unique as a small one.
In conclusion…
There are countless reasons and benefits of hiring a website designer – and the above examples are just a few of them. A designer can take your current site from average to eye-catching or develop a new one that conveys your message in a way that is unique to you, building a trustworthy image while saving you the headache of figuring it all out yourself. In short, hire a professional web designer - you won’t regret it!